Aroma Therapy

A holistic healing treatment that is used to heal and is mainly designed for the well-being of people. For this process, natural plant extracts are used to extract aromas to make essential oil, and thus it is also termed as oil-therapy.
The Third Eye Vision highlights the aromatherapy benefits like reducing stress, agitation, and anxiety, improve sore joints, improving headaches and easing of discomforts of labour.


Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy. It does not provide a cure for diseases, rashes or illnesses, but it can support conventional treatment of various conditions.It has been shown to reduce: 1. Nausea,2. Pain and body aches, Anxiety, agitation, stress, and depression, 3. Fatigue and insomnia, 4. Muscular aches, 5. Headaches, 6. Circulatory problems, 7. Menstrual problems, 8. Menopausal problems, 9. Alopecia, or hair loss etc.